Want to know what is new at Go4? We’ll keep a running list of new features and releases, pinned to the top of our blog. We’ll stay transparent, and you get access to the only nationwide marketplace for hiring athletic trainers.

September 3, 2024

Job Poster Experience

Downloadable Emergency Action Plan

The auto-generated Emergency Action Plan pulls details from your event, like supplies and location details. From the EAP Review page while posting a job, Job Posters can now Export and Print the pdf to make sharing with their staff easier.

Upcoming Jobs Widget

A new look at the Job Poster Dashboard will place the “Upcoming Jobs” display front and center of a Job Poster’s dashboard. Review or edit a job with a few clicks. Resources have also been moved to the bottom of the dashboard, making mobile review of applicants even easier.

Athletic Trainer Experience

Updated EAP Visibility

Design updates allow Athletic Trainers greater visibility into a job’s auto-generated Emergency Action Plan when reviewing job details.

August 21, 2024

Job Poster Experience

Review Athletic Trainers Who Applied to All Shifts

Job Posters will now see a new icon in their dashboard.

For Jobs with multiple shifts, Job Posters will now see an “A” icon in green next to the Athletic Trainers who applied to all the shifts at a specific location.

If a Job Poster aims to hire the same recurring athletic trainer, or the same athletic trainer for the duration of a Camp/Tournament/Event, they can now clearly prioritize the Athletic Trainers that match that criteria.

Helpful Tooltip for Athletic Trainer Profile Metrics

Job Posters will now see helpful tooltips that describe the various metrics shown on an Athletic Trainer’s profile. These tips will make your application review process even faster.

Athletic Trainer Experience

Additional Shifts Section

Athletic Trainers can now quickly apply to all shifts (at a single location) available in a job.

For instance, if an Athletic Trainer wants to work all the shifts at a weekend Tournament, OR each shift available at a week-long Camp, they can now click “VIEW MORE SHIFTS FOR THIS JOB” in the app. Athletic Trainers can manually apply to the shifts they want to work OR chose to “Apply to all shifts.”

Each shift will still show as individual shifts in the Athletic Trainer’s “My jobs” section of the app.

August 7, 2024

Job Poster Experience

Improved Scheduling For Multi-Day Shifts

Job Posters can now combine Multiple Days into One shift. This allows you to search for an athletic trainer that is able to work your week long camp OR your once-a-week practice.

Details for your Job

To attract more applications from Athletic Trainers be relieving questions, Job Posters now have new fields and prompts that help specify important information about the job. Easily let ATs know where to park, where to set-up their medical tent AND who to report to when they check in.

Athletic Trainer Experience

Extended Window for $200 Referral Bonus

Athletic Trainers can refer new Job Posters to Go4. If that Job Poster hires an athletic trainer, we’ll give the Athletic Trainer a $200 referral bonus. Submit in the app!

July 10, 2024

Job Poster Experience

ACH Available for New Account Holders

If you’re new to Go4, you can now choose ACH as your payment method while creating your account. Rest assured, you’re payment method is not charged until AFTER an athletic trainer works your event.

June 27, 2024

Job Poster Experience

Manage Shifts

Job posters can now adjust shift times while they are in progress (and for 12 hours after a shift) incase start/end times change.


Athletic Trainer credentials have more details visible to make reviewing/hiring easier and faster.

Athletic Trainer Experience

Extended Shift Modification Window

Athletic Trainers can now request a shift modification up to 24 hours after the shift ends incase the the job runs long.

Mark your Calendars

The next time you receive an email from Go4 confirming your shift, you can click the link to add it to your personal or work calendar. Keep that schedule in one place!

June 13, 2024

Job Poster Experience

As a Job Poster, you can now sort and search through the Shift Modification widget in your dashboard. Search by the Name of your event, the Athletic Trainers name or by the date of your event. Shift Modifications, made more accessible.

Athletic Trainer Experience

Updated Electronic Medical Record

The concussion flow within the Go4 side-line Injury Documentation Tool has been upgraded. The VOMS baseline assessment as well as the VOMS Evaluation has been added to the concussion flow. A Symptoms Checklist questionnaire has also been added along with a Red Flag screen to start the concussion flow.

May 30, 2024

Job Poster Experience

Use Venue Name

Instead of having to look up the address of your venue, simply type the name in the Location Name field while posting your job. Google Maps will grab the address. For example, typing in Madison Square Garden will automatically populate 4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY 10001 in the Venue Address field.

Athletic Trainer Experience

Add Safe Sport Credential

SafeSport has been added as an additional credential in your profile. If you have SafeSport, you can add it to your profile which helps your application stick out.

Download EMR PDFs

Athletic Trainers have always been able to document injuries directly through our in-app Emergency Medical Record system. Now, athletic trainers can download a PDF copy for themselves.

Check back for frequent EMR updates this summer!

May 14, 2024

Job Poster Experience

Job Creation Flow

You can now use the “Multi-day shift” feature to post a job for a singular athletic trainer that spans consecutive days. This is great for camp jobs. The payment will be a flat-rate, processed at the end of the last shift on the last day.

Job Edits

When copying a shift, you will no longer see it marked as “Copy” in your dashboard. Be sure to update the name of your job to give athletic trainers the correct details when applying.

Dashboard Changes

For multi-location jobs, you can now view all shifts across all locations in one chronological view. All upcoming shifts for a job will display, regardless of location.

The Finance Report now has a new filter, where you can search the AT Payment amount.

Within your “Provide AT Feedback” widget, athletic trainers will only be listed once per event.

April 2, 2024

Job Poster Experience

The Job Poster experience was completely overhauled to provide Go4 users with a simplified platform for hiring ATs and managing jobs.

Job Poster Dashboard

The new dashboard calls attention to essential actions. There are four sections: Applicants to Review, Shifts w/ No Applications, Shift Modifications, and AT Feedback Requests. Additionally, we added a Resource Feed, and all views in the platform were rebuilt including Drafts, Upcoming Jobs, and the Finance report.

Job Postings

Direct user feedback was used to redesign Job postings to be more intuitive for those who create them, and more informational for the athletic trainers who view them. 

Custom Credential Requirements

Job Posters can add additional credential requirements to a job so ATs know what they need before they apply. This will eliminate back-and-forth communication before the job.

Supplies/Equipment Checklist

A new supplies/equipment checklist will clarify what the hiring organization will / will not provide for athletic trainers. 

Pricing Flexibility

Pay rates can be set per shift. This is helpful for multi-day events since a shift’s duration, day of the week, and times impact its attractiveness for ATs. 

Athletic Trainer Profiles/Applications

Enhanced athletic trainer profiles better inform hiring decisions. More information was added to showcase past experience and Go4 work history.

New additions to athletic trainer profiles include a Reliability Score, which compares the number of jobs worked vs. Callouts (previously labeled Decommits), and the most recent rating that a Job Poster gave the AT. Ratings (Would you hire this AT again?) are kept private and are only shown to the organization that provides the rating. 

Hiring Deadlines

We’ve addressed the #1 piece of feedback— the hiring workflow takes too long. Now, job posters have 7 days to accept an athletic trainer’s application before it expires, and athletic trainers must confirm a job within 24 hours of being accepted. 

Athletic Trainer Experience

More insights into a job. Job postings will be more descriptive and include expanded job details, supplies & equipment lists, and custom credential requirements. Additionally, applications will be accepted or, unfortunately, expire after seven days. Athletic trainers must confirm a job within 24 hours of being accepted.

Callout Policy & Reliability Score

Decommits were changed to Callouts. Callouts are tracked on an athletic trainer’s profile if they call out from a confirmed job within seven days of when it starts. Callouts are used in an AT’s Reliability Score, which Job Posters see as part of a job application. Reliability Scores compare the number of jobs worked to the number of callouts.

Marketplace Feedback

Job Posters can provide feedback on athletic trainers who work for their organizations. The feedback is not shared with the AT or other organizations, but the rating (Would I hire this AT again?) will be visible on the AT’s profile when they apply for future jobs with the same organization.

Similarly, athletic trainers can provide feedback on the organizations they work for. The feedback is not shared with the organization. Go4 uses the feedback to improve our platform and create content for the athletic training community, creating a better environment for all involved.

Job Marketing

New “Big Money Shift” alerts notify local athletic trainers when a job is posted at $50 or more per hour. These shifts are filled faster than regular shifts. Additionally, athletic trainers are sent a special alert for high-paying jobs posted within two days of their start time.


Athletic trainers can earn money on Go4 without even working a job. They submit referrals on the Go4 app, and when a referral hires through Go4, the referring athletic trainer gets paid.