Go4Ellis, the platform that connects athletic trainers with per diem work, has partnered with the Wisconsin Athletic Trainers’ Association.  The WATA partnership accelerates Go4Ellis’ mission to get athletic trainers on every sideline, everywhere.

In return, by providing a resource that efficiently links ATs with event operators, Go4Ellis helps WATA further their own mission of “improving the quality of health care for the physically active in the state of Wisconsin by the promotion and advancement of the athletic training profession.”

Heidi Gutschow, President of WATA, expands on the partnership saying that it “ensures that the health and safety of all athletes will be met by getting athletic trainers onsite during events. ”  And as the demand for ATs grows, the flexibility of the Go4Ellis platform allows it to scale to meet that demand for the Wisconsin Athletic Trainer’s Association and the Wisconsin sports community.

Need a per diem Athletic Trainer? Visit go4ellis.com for more information, or download the app.