Exertional heat stroke occurs when an athlete’s body temp is greater than 104ºF and they exhibit an altered mental state. It can quickly damage the brain, heart, kidneys and muscles. Any delay in treatment can result in serious injuries and possibly death.

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Exertional heat stroke is preventable and treatable as long as medical help is administered right away. That is why it is imperative for everyone to know the signs and symptoms of exertional heat stroke.

Below is a link to a printable flyer that can given to participants, referees, parents and individuals working your camp, clinic, practice or tournament so they know what signs and symptoms to look for and if they suspect someone of having exertional heat stroke to contact the Athletic Trainer on duty, immediately.
1. Download PDF
2. Photocopy as many as needed.
3. Cut sheets into 4
4. Hand out to articipants, referees, parents and individuals working your camp, clinic, practice or tournament.

Need an athletic trainer? Go4Ellis is a nationwide app/platform that connects teams and organizations with per diem athletic trainers for games, practices, camps, clinics and tournaments.

For more information, or to find and hire an athletic trainer, visit go4ellis.com.
If you’re an AT looking to pick up a shift or two, click the links below to download the app.
Go4Ellis is the preferred per diem platform of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association.
Every sideline. Everywhere.