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What is a deductible in athletic trainer insurance?

What is a deductible in athletic trainer insurance? In terms of insurance for athletic trainers, a deductible in athletic trainer insurance is the amount that a policyholder is responsible for paying before insurance coverage kicks in. …


What is a premium in athletic trainer insurance?

What is a premium in athletic trainer insurance? In terms of insurance for athletic trainers, a premium in athletic trainer insurance is the amount you pay to an insurance company in exchange for coverage.


What is a policyholder in athletic training insurance?

What is a policyholder in athletic training insurance? A policyholder in athletic training insurance is the person or entity that holds the insurance policy. …


What is General Liability Insurance (GL) for Athletic Trainers?

What is Professional General Liability Insurance (GL) for Athletic Trainers? General Liability Insurance for Athletic Trainers (GLI): A type of insurance that protects Athletic Trainers from third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage. …


What is Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) for Athletic Trainers?

What is Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) for Athletic Trainers? Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) for Athletic Trainers, also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance is a type of insurance that protects Athletic Trainers from claims of professional negligence or malpractice. …


Immersive Clinical Experience

Immersive Clinical Experience An immersive clinical experience is allowing students to experience the totality of care as an athletic trainer through practice-intensive experience.


What is Health-Related Quality of Life?

What is Health-Related Quality of Life? Health-related quality of life is a holistic concept considering emotional, physical, and social functioning. It looks past simple, direct measures of life expectancy, population health, and mortality to focus on how health status impacts quality of life. …