Juan Lopez, ATC

Nickname: J Lo or Diablo (this is a new one and not meant to be bad)
Alma Mater: Stony Brook ‘14, WVU ‘17
What’s your current gig: Assistant Athletic Trainer at Army West Point 

Most Important Thing in Your Bag: My scissors, and on occasion some snacks 

What is the Weirdest / Wildest / Most Interesting / Out there AT job you’ve ever worked: Being an AT in the XFL League, or a Covid screener at a construction site where they’re working on the new Islanders arena.  
Share your best Moment / Story / Anecdote as an AT: Recently seeing my baseball team win the Patriot League Championship and have a chance to compete in the NCAA Regionals. It being the type of semester it was, seeing that was awesome.  
Quote/Lyric/Line that sums up Athletic Training For You: Work for a cause not for applause, live life to express not impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt.

What does your day to day look like?

I’ve only been here for a couple of months but I’d say depending on the season practice can be in the morning or afternoon. Sometimes coaches have to work around some of the Army duties the cadet-athletes have. Treatment would be before practice if practice is in the afternoon or in the afternoon/evening depending on classes.


What has been the biggest change in the year of the pandemic?

It’s been working all these different types of jobs. Talking with EMTs at construction sites and other personnel, educating them on what Athletic Training is. Also being available to accept my position at USMA at West Point.

When you’re not on a sideline, where can we find you?

Working out in the gym or somewhere out hiking looking for good views!  

Need an athletic trainer? Go4Ellis is a nationwide app/platform that connects teams and organizations with per diem athletic trainers for games, practices, camps, clinics and tournaments.

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Go4Ellis is the preferred per diem platform of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association.

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