5 reasons why newly certified ATs should totally create a Go4 account.
Hey, so you just got certified from the BOC, nice! Congrats! Here a couple of reasons why you should totally make an account on Go4Ellis and pick up a few shifts.
Working shifts through the Go4Ellis app is a quick way to gain valuable experience right out of school that you can put on your resume or Linkedin profile. So, when a potential employer asks if you have experience, you can answer, “yes.”
The Go4Ellis app makes it easy to earn real money and pay some bills while looking for a full time position or supplementing your income from an entry-level position.
From football to quidditch, there are range of sport and patient population opportunities to work with on the Go4Ellis app.
With so many opportunities on the app, you have the ability to work in a multitude of settings and meet potential employers, colleagues and collaborators.
There are no membership fees or fees to create an account on Go4Ellis. Having and keeping an account is free. Whether you work 1 shift a year or a 1,000 shifts.
If you have any questions, hit us up at contactus@go4ellis.com.
And if you’re ready to download the app, then click one of links below:
Go4Ellis is the preferred per diem platform of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association.
Every sideline. Everywhere.
Are you an Athletic Trainer?
Join us!
From per diem shifts to full-time opportunities, AT resources, PLI, a free EMR and more, Go4 is the essential AT app. Sign up now!
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