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Athletic Trainer Compensation Survey

Go4 has teamed up with Indiana State University to get a true measurement of the total compensation that athletic trainers receive. We want to help you negotiate higher salaries and compensation packages by providing you with resources that reflect the spectrum of pay and benefits across the country and where you live.

So what makes this salary survey different?

Data that reflects YOU

Through representative sampling, this data will more closely reflect ALL athletic trainers. Similar surveys state that 6% of respondents are college educators while the BOC reports 3% of all certified athletic trainers are educators. College educators tend to be the highest paid group of providers in the profession which may skew the average salary being reported. Our aim is to gain a more complete and reflective picture of you to best understand how you are being compensated by your employer.


Data transparency and digestion is important to us. We intend to make the data that we collect publicly available to all athletic trainers so you are able to access it in a way that makes the most sense for you. In addition to transparency, with the data we collect, we’ll establish tools that help you demonstrate your worth through comparison to similar places and contexts.

Data that MATTERS

We are collecting information on salary, supplemental income, benefits, debt, and cost of living to get a better understanding of why appropriate compensation matters. In turn, you can advocate for salary increases in the organizations you work for. 

More than anything, we’d like to help you advocate for your next raise, we’d like to help new athletic trainers accepting their first job, and we’d like to help future athletic trainers secure the compensation they deserve. 

Please take the time to fill out this survey so we can provide you with the resources to get PAID. 
Oh yeah, and please send it to all of your AT friends too!

Your Turn to Make an Impact